Vermilion Gorge


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For Christmas Sawyer got a backpack from his great grandpa (Tom) and his grandma (Nancy). This was something we were hoping to get for this summer and now with the early spring we are putting it to a lot of use. I guess I am putting it to a lot of use, April is smart enough to carry the camera bag ( 2lbs) and give me the baby carrier (1lbs) + Sawyer (about 21lbs). She has always been smarter and better looking than me.

Our latest trip was to the Vermilion Gorge. It is about a 1.5 mile hike from the town of Crane Lake. The trail is hidden in the Voyageur Houseboat parking lot.  The trail is pretty nice going through woods for the first mile then opening up when it gets close to the lake. It’s steep in spots, but the views are worth the extra work. The Gorge is about 20′ wide and deep with vertical walls. When seeing something like this I always wonder how much time it took the water to carve this deep of a channel in rock.

Sawyer enjoyed the trip and fell asleep just about at the time we arrived at the Gorge. Apparently not as impressed with it as I was. I took a couple of pictures as he fell asleep that I thought I would share. He slept the entire time we were there and the walk back. I am already looking forward to the next family hike.

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