BWCA – May 2012


This was a two man trip to the Basswood Falls area with Paul Otto. I can’t stop going back to this spot. There is always something new to see. With white water galore and pictographs within easy paddling distance this is a must see for anyone looking for a trip into the BWCA. We went in through the Fall Lake entry point. It’s a busy entry point, but if you don’t like portaging this is the way to get to Basswood Falls. On my last trip to this area with Glenn, Jim, & Bill we discovered a hidden campsite that had half of an old Grumman canoe as the fire place. Unfortunately the canoe had been removed, but the campsite still lived up to expectations.

Day 1 we made it to the campsite around 3:00 and set up camp. I should mention that we stopped at the gauging station for lunch. All I have to say is I’m glad I didn’t have to carry in the concrete to make that bunker. After arriving at camp we  started the arduous task of drying out firewood as the previous 4 days to us going in had a healthy dose of rain. Our biggest fire was just hot enough to boil water for coffee.

Day 2 we packed lunch, fishing poles and cameras for a trip to the pictographs and back. I won myself a Bucky Burger at Ely Steakhouse by catching the first fish (Paul’s bet, not mine). I was glad he made it.  The fish made a good appetizer for our lunch (which means it wasn’t the biggest fish). It was a good day with excellent weather and good company.

Day 3 was a rain all day off and on kind of day. I did get out in between rains and did some fishing (unsuccessfully) and took a few photos. Also managed to work in a 2 hour nap. Always nice to do when the rain is falling on the tent.

Day 4 we made our way out. Head wind for a majority of the way, but we weren’t in a hurry and hid behind as many islands as we could. At the landing on Fall Lake we noticed that the water on that lake had risen about 18″ since we had been in. While we were loading our canoes on the truck there was a family next to us that was having a hard time finding their car keys. Rule 8 for going in the BWCA is to always put your keys in one place that you never have to get to and don’t ever move them! At some point I’ll fill in the other rules. On  the way home we stopped for my Bucky Burger (courtesy of Paul) and some chocolates for the wives. Rule 1 for going in the BWCA is always buy your wife something in Ely on your way through. 6 more rules to go.


2 Responses to “BWCA – May 2012”

  1. Your wife says:

    I love Rule #1– but even more so, I love that you had a good time with Paul…. Beautiful pictures! I look forward to the day we can go camping as a family (it’s in the near future!).

  2. Paul (Bucky buyer) Otto says:

    Thanks for a great trip! always a nice trip with a host like you. Great photos. I also want to thank you and April for the assistance and hospitality you have given to Brad for his first trip as leader into the wild with his life long friends.
    I look forward to seeing you and the family again soon!


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